Thursday, January 20, 2011

Just wonderin'......

have any of you other chicken-raisers ever received from one of your girls an egg this small???????

Yeah, I laughed as I was gathering the eggs for the day. It is certainly the smallest I have ever found. :)

Just so you can see the size in comparison to my hand...

I dunno. I'm amused. :)


Kelsianne said...

Yep, we have! It was pretty funny. :-) I think it was from, at the time, one of our newer chickens...

Farm Girl Hannah said...

What really funny is when you get a "double yoker" and a little one all in the same day! :-) The double Yokers are HUGE!

Jess said...

Yes! It was hysterical! I mean, I have had my share of young hen's first few little eggs, and I have even gotten a "rooster egg"---a small egg with no yolk, but this one was even smaller than all of those! I was so surprised! :)

Susannah said...

Our chickens have laid several tiny eggs. Some of them didn't even have a yolk! I've heard that it means their egg laying time is done...but we kept getting eggs :)

Anonymous said...

We got a tiny one the other day :D

Kyrie said...

How cute! We've gotten some small ones, but nothing /that/ small, I don't think!

This is my first visit - I found you from Livvy Taylor's blog list. I love it here! Three cheers for Dixie Land!

