Tuesday, October 12, 2010

"Oh Social Circle, might be a one-light town....

...but finer people on this earth cannot be found, Oh Social Circle, one by one we do our part, in this close-knit town with love of God, and family at its heart."

and so the song goes. The opening song of the community play we are in once again. "Stories from the Well", it is called, and this year's theme is THE BEST of ten years. Our family has been involved for four years now. I cannot begin to express how much this play, the people at the theatre, and the town of Social Circle mean to us.

The play is always a lot of fun, and although the main plot is always a bit different, the setting is the same. You see, our playwright, Sue Lee, goes out into the community, collecting stories from some of the native Social Circlians. Folks like those that own Claude T. Wiley's General Store. Those that know what life was like during the thirties and forties. Those that know how close family should be. Those that can tell of the traditions they kept. Those that know the stories that were told. Even stories like...oh that one of the old scary woman named Soap Sally...the one who would wander around Alcovy bridge, searching for wandering children. Those that know the effects of being bitten by a rattlesnake. Those that know how Mabel prayed for Buddy after he was bit...and how his daddy didn't end up shooting him after all. Oh and those people who know how hard it was to tap dance, especially if you don't know your right from your left. Oh, and then there's that one time a Yankee dandy visited the General Store, and poor Abner had to drive him out to the William's place...

See? Good stuff, huh? and you poor folks don't have a clue as to what I am talking about. And you won't, unless you come and see the play this weekend! ;)

For those who can't come, I will post a few pictures (although they are very low-quality) so you can see all the fun we have. =)

Even though we are bonafide Good Hopians, we become Social Circlians for one month out of the year, and we have such a good time!

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