Tuesday, June 30, 2009

More Garden Photos

The maters are lookin' good.

One of many Basil plants. Lots of pesto has been made!

Hot! Hot! Hot!

Ohhh...yummy eggplant!

A friend...

Cool as a cuke...

Plen'y a these...

An' these...

An' these...

Flowers (obviously)

Finally! A sunflower! Goats got 'em last year, and the year before...

Little tiny itty bitty watermelon

That's right purty...

So is that...

Soybeans are so prolific!

So are they...

Man! I got some pickin' to do!

I love summertime!!

I almost forgot! I have a new nickname...

The "Squash Girl of Good Hope"

Friday, June 26, 2009

Blueberry Pickin'

There is another small town not too far from us where we do our heavy duty blueberry pickin'. There's just a whole field of rabbiteye blueberry bushes ready for anyone who wants to come pick. It's a blessing, really. Especially to think of how much you have to pay at the grocery store for organic berries. It's fun and productive! (We went this evening, so the photos are kinda dark.)

Happy Picker



Us young'uns

An honest look at us young'uns

Friday, June 19, 2009

We've Got....

Green Ones, White Ones, Yellow Ones, Striped Ones...

Round Ones, Long Ones, Big Ones, Small Ones...

And One that looks like a Duck...

Thursday, June 18, 2009

New Blog

Well, I am trying to learn all I can about herbs, and I am actually working on becoming a certified herbalist, so...here we go. I have a great deal to learn, but life would be so boring if we weren't always learning something new, right?

Anyway, please feel free to take a look. http://cherokeerosega.blogspot.com/

(So very sorry for the lack of posts. Been in the garden.)

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Updated Update :)

Gardeners who like to garden like to talk gardening and like to take pictures of their garden and can't seem to get their minds off gardening and even garden on Sundays because to them it ain't work it's fun. Gardening, yeah. at least that's how it is for me. And I had to write that without commas because that's how young girls who like to garden seem to talk about gardening. :) Fast. At least that's what Josh has told me. That is true ya know. But I've had long conversations spoken almost as quickly with older men at the nursery. It all starts with. "Hey, have ya tried this tomata?" "No sir, but have ya ever tried this heirloom tomata?" From there it goes on for another half hour until you reach the other section. :) To me it's amazing the common love for gardening that gardeners all share. No matter the age. I reckon that's why we garden. I was talking to a man the other day, (in the garden section at Wal-Mart) and he was telling me he just loved to watch 'em grow. I guess that is part of it. To me it just demonstrates how much our culture desires this. Even the ones who don't realize it, I think we all desire a simpler way of life. Why is it that tomato leaves smell so doggone good? Why does it thrill us when we see a squash blossom? Why do we get steamin' mad at the aphids? Why do we stand still after hoeing a row of beans and reach down to touch the little bitty pods that are forming? Why is it that we pick a peppermint leaf, crush it in our hands and savor its strong aroma? Why do we stand there for an hour, hose in hand, making sure there's enough water? Why do we go out of our way to find old hay so our plants can have a nice mulch? Why do we rejoice when there's more than ten worms in the dirt we just moved? Why do we do this? Because we love it. It's a joy. And to me, it's an honor to be working in God's dirt, marveling at his Creation, seeing so much intricate detail, and thanking Him for His blessings.

So, anyway, here are some more photos. Oh---go get some dirt on your hands! You won't regret it.