I really don't know how to begin this post. I am honestly at a complete loss as to where I should begin.
I reckon I'll start from where I can remember.
Oh wait. I don't remember anything. At least not until they transferred me from ICU.
Friday, October 16All us kids were so very excited. It was the opening night for the play we were in. We were performing with Social Circle Theatre. We had been practicing for so long. Our dress rehearsals had been that week. We were thrilled about opening night! We couldn't wait!
Finally the time came for us younguns to take off toward the small town of Social Circle. Mama would meet us over there closer to show time. We loaded up into my red Dodge Durango. We found a good country song on the radio, and we were off!
The show went great and we truly enjoyed ourselves. That's about all I remember.
The following is according to family members>
Josh and I loaded into the Durango. Mama was going to ride with the bitties. There was a church function Joshua wanted to go to, so I agreed to take him. We headed toward Loganville. I approached the stop sign on Bay Creek Church Rd.
School buses are big. They are big and fast. Especially when they have no stop sign and aren't supposed to stop.
My little red Durango slammed into that Winder/Barrow county school bus. The marching band was on its way home from a football game.
It took two hours to pry my body from the wreck. Those EMS worked so hard. I am forever grateful for their determination. Miraculously, a nurse showed up on the scene. She was truly an angel in the whole situation.
Josh got out. No one knows how. He had sustained a concussion. He had several cuts and bruises, but overall he was all right. He was sent to a different hospital.
I was life-flighted to Atlanta Medical Center. I've always wanted to ride in a helicopter. Too bad it was under those circumstances.
I was immediately rushed to ICU. My femur(left) had broken in half. My fibula had been fractured and my left foot was just plumb "tore up". The tendons had to be repaired in surgery that next morning. Mama said my left leg was twice the size of the rest of my body. I had blood on my brain, and fluid in my lungs. They put me on a ventilator. I have positively no recollection of any of this.
Let's skip to last Saturday. They transferred me to the rehab floor. I was still on oxygen and my banged-up leg hurt like nothin' I've ever felt before. I ain't gonna lie. It HURT. I was not a very kind patient to some of the nurses. Considering they had me doped on drugs, I was in pain, I wanted my Mama, and they were poking me with needles, maybe it's justified. Well, after that mornin', I was much kinder, and made friends with every single nurse on the rehab floor. They'll remember that first mornin', though. :)
Today was the day I was looking most forward to. I got to come home!! Needless to say, I was very excited.
There's still a very long road ahead of me, but the Lord will help me.
I cannot begin to express my gratitude to all of the wonderful people who have been encouraging me during this time. I couldn't do it without all my wonderful family and friends. All of the fervent prayers, the lovely cards, the beautiful flowers, the yummy food....all the LOVE!!! I am so humbled by everyone.
Ohhh, everyone on the school bus was safe. There were several cuts and contusions, and a bloody nose, but the Lord was merciful to all those on board.
The Lord has taught me so much these past few weeks. I can't really just write it all out, but let me say.... I am so very thankful for the Providence of God. I am so thankful for His mercy. I am so thankful for His love, His grace, His goodness, His glory, His timing.
God is good!!!!!!